Monday, January 6, 2020

Dante’s Devine Comedy Inferno Canto XXVI Essay - 2037 Words

Of the Medieval Texts, Dante’s Inferno, gives readers insight into a poetically described version of Hell that is full of punishment and evil. Dante travels through purgatory speaking with various shades as well as converses with his guide to gain insight on the follies of man. Each Canto describes certain characters and their reasons for being stuck in Hell. Through analysis of the text as well as support from literature written by Sara Sturm, R Bates, and lastly EM Hood, Canto XXVI not only provides insight on Dante’s political beliefs, but also describes the eventual demise of false counselors, as well as those whom are not grateful for their God-Given gifts. First, Dante Alighieri utilizes Canto XXVI to further describe his†¦show more content†¦Sturm adds a more personal note and claims that â€Å"the poet acknowledges the city’s wickedness, in terms of which the retribution which he predicts for the city is seen as both inevitable and just, but his personal love for the city of Florence will nonetheless cause him pain when that judgment is carried out† (Sturm 94-95). What started as a few loosely tied together city states eventually became one of the three largest cities in Italy. This was all happening during Dante’s life, and he cautions that with the fast growth of Florence, several social conflicts such as the gap between rich and poor are widening. Most regarded Florence as the center of the world, however the transition between city state and economically independent city, brought about many gray areas and dirty deeds. To conclude, Dante writes, â€Å"But if the dreams dreamt close to dawn are true, then little time will pass before you feel what Prato and the others crave for you, were that already come, it would not be too soon – and let it come, since it must be† (Inf. XXVI 7-11). Dante is advising the people to watch out. Florence has a high chance of becoming the next Sodom and Gomorrah. From a different political perspective, it is possible that Dante is attacking an important member of the Black Guelph’s, Pope Boniface the VIII, the man who eventually contributes to Dante’s exile. The pope is working to gain control of the city as during the medieval era, the transition

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